Unshakeable / When You're Pressured to Conform



Apr. 14, 2024


Unshakeable! Thriving No Matter What They Throw at You – Part 2

How do you handle peer pressure? The pressure to conform to something that you know is not right.

In the first test Daniel shows us four character qualities that are important if we want God’s blessing on our life.

1. Integrity – He never forgot who he was.

You have two choices in life. You can conform to world or you can be transformed by the Word of God. 

2. Discipline – He controlled his ego and his appetite.

3. Courage: He was willing to stand alone.

4. Humility: He was tactful with authority

Six Things That Daniel Did The Right Way:

1. Develop a reputation of responsibility. 

2. Be humble and not belligerent.

3. Don’t be deceptive or manipulative.

4. Appeal to their goals and their interests.

5. Choose the right place, time and words.

6. Trust God if they reject your appeal.

Remember 4 Things When You Have to Confront an Authority in Your Life or You Have to Make a Moral Stand to Defend Your Beliefs. 

1. I have Jesus with me. Jesus said I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. So you’re never really ever completely alone. 

2. I have the Holy Spirit in me. I not only have Jesus with me, I’ve got God’s Spirit in me. “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.”

3. I have the promises of God to me. There are over 6,000 promises from God to you in the Bible that you can claim when you are going through difficult times.

4. I have God’s family around me. I have God’s family around me. I have brothers and sisters who are praying for me.

Scripture References:

Daniel 1:5, 8-15 

Romans 12:2

Romans 6:13

Exodus 23:2

1 Corinthians 16:13

Proverb 22:29

Proverbs 25:6 

2 Corinthians 4:2 NLT 

2 Corinthians Chapter 6:14, 7:1