Remembering Our Freedom



May 29, 2023


1. A Day of Memorial

That night the Lord sent a plague throughout the land of Egypt, and whoever had their door marked by the blood of the lamb, death passed over them; thus, the name Passover. 

Death will passover anyone marked with the blood of the lamb! As believers we are marked with the blood of Jesus and therefore spiritual death will passover us! 

God then commanded a celebration and a memorial to what He had done. The Passover represented their deliverance from slavery; and this is what Moses commanded the people to remember: the day of their freedom.

2. Cost of Freedom

A price has to be paid for freedom and life, and that price is the death of another. Someone, or something, has to die in order that we might live. Our country’s soldiers died that we might have a life of freedom, and Jesus died that we might have life eternal.

Jesus paid for our spiritual freedom and gave us a crown in heaven when He died on the cross. There is no freedom without the shedding of blood.

3. A Symbol of Hope

Similarly to the American flag, the cross of Christ provides the firm foundation by which our faith is rooted and supported. When storms come in our lives, we have a firm supportive foundation that will help us weather hard times.

4. Time of Reflection

In order for His sacrifice on the cross to take effect in your life, you must do as He commands, which is to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Scripture References: 

Exodus 12:14

Exodus 13:3a 

John 15:13

John 8:36

John 10:10

Hebrews 9:22

John 15:13

John 15:14

1 John 3:23

Romans 10:9-10