Keeping Your Spiritual Tank Full



Sep. 05, 2021

Keep Your Spiritual Tank Full

God wants you to run on a full tank!

Reasons We Run Out of Gas:

1-Not starting out with a full tank

2-Being too busy to pause and refuel

3-Unaware of hidden leaks that are draining you (relationships and responsibilities are 2 key ones)

4-Ignoring the owner’s manual and pushing farther than it was created to go

5-Hurry. Because the faster you drive, the faster you run out of gas.

6-Being distracted and not watching your gauges. 

7-Being Overloaded, the more you carry, the sooner you run out of gas

8-Pressure to do it now

9-Pride: thinking the limits of my tank don’t apply to me

10-No Margin: not allowing time to fill up

Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

How do you keep your tank full?

1-Get Fed Up With How You Have Been Living

2-Come To Jesus! Come, Take, Learn

3-Give Up Control - The only thing you can control is you!

4-Learn to Trust - Faith comes from hearing the word of God.

5-Stay Connected With Your Church Family

When you're yoked with Jesus, you move together in the same direction at the same pace! You can’t go faster than Jesus goes if you’re yoked to him.

Learn to trust Jesus and have gentleness and humbleness in your life. He is our perfect example!