Having A Great Year



Feb. 06, 2022


Yearly Challenge: Wake up every day and pray this prayer. Psalms 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 

February Challenge: Focus on Your Goals for 2022

Have specific goals that you can carry out and focus on things that matter most.

-Make sure your goals are Godly

-You must have perspective and motivation.

Life is Stewardship to God

Each person must have their own relationship with Jesus.

We want to build our life on the foundation of Jesus Christ.

1) Live for Eternity - the purpose of life is preparation for eternity

2) Live with Urgency

Urgency Busters

1-Trivial Pursuits: spending large blocks of time and energy on things that have no eternal value

2-Cares of Life: When the cares of life weigh you down so much that your perspective shrinks, and you no longer see the big picture. You must make the choice on how you act toward the cares of life.

3-Busyness: Choose what is eternal and what is not. This has more to do with the speed of life. Speed will cause us to lose perspective. 

4-Taking Life For Granted: One of the largest struggles we face in America today is that we take life for granted. It is not sacred anymore.

Urgency Boosters

1-Feed Your Soul: It’s your soul that’s eternal. Spending time in God’s word is important. When you read scripture, you get perspective.

2-Make People A Priority: When you put people first, it changes your perspective. Jesus was a fanatic about people. People last for eternity.

3-Be Around People Who Live Urgently: It makes a difference who you hang around. Find people that make you want to be more like Christ. That makes you want to live more for God.

4-Get Outside Your Comfort Zone: Life is too short to play it safe all the time. Take the life God has given you, and go on an adventure with Him.