Mar. 02, 2025
A kind word always help balance things that are going on in our lives.
B-Build My Life Around Christ
A-Accept My Humanity
L-Limit My Labor
A-Adjust My Values
N-Nourish My Inner Life
C-Commit Your Daily Schedule To God
E-Enjoy Each Moment
How Do You Know What Your Life Is Centered Around? What do you think about the most? Whatever you think about the most is what you center your life around. We are strongest when we live a Christ centered life. He is the source of our strength.
There are 3 things we are to do on a Sabbath.
1) Rest Our Body.
2) Recharge Our Emotions.
3) Refocus Our Spirit.
Our Church Mission: To Love God and Lead People To A Growing Relationship With Christ!
Scripture References:
Psalms 31:15, 119:16, 119:73, 127:2
Matthew 6:33, 11:28-29, 22:37-39
Ecclesiastes 10:15
Exodus 20:9-10
Mark 2:27, 8:36
Ecclesiastes 4:4, 4:6
Luke 5:15-16