Fatherhood: The Pursuit to Excellence



Jun. 18, 2023


The father in the home sets the standard for excellence within the home. We need to over-love one another if our home life is doing to be excellent.

How do you reach for excellence? One of the most significant places to build excellence in our lives is excellence in our faith. 

How to you treat your body? Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. You have to connect your body to your faith.

You should serve Christ with your body and your soul. God’s will is our sanctification. God's will is to make us more like Jesus! The word sanctification means growth.

3 Things That Are Important For All Of Us:

1-Justification: God justified you when He forgave Your sins through Christ.

He made you Right in His Presence.

2-Sanctification: The process of growing in the Christian faith and becoming more like Christ.

3-Glorification: It is what will happen when we get to go to be with God in Heaven. We will become like Jesus Christ.

You should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable!

How Can You And I Live The Kind of Pure Life That God Wants Us To Live? 

3 Things:

1-I Can Decide To Say No! The more you say yes to God, the easier it is to say no to other things. 

2-You Trust The Truth About Hour Body! Our body is set apart for God’s use.

3-Accept The Fact That Impurity Hurts Everyone!

Why do we work?

-It Gives A Good Witness To The World! Work hard to do this! You need to touch people where they are.

-Living A Quiet Life and Working Keeps Us Healthy and Well Rounded. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 Lead a quiet life; mind your own business and work with your hands.

Do You Want To Be Excellent? The way you deal with living a quiet life and minding your own business determines if you will have an excellent faith or a mediocre faith.

Paul tells us in the passage to not be lustful or lazy! It’s an everyday decision.

Excellence is built on EVERYDAY Faith! It’s is where I live or work in the world.

Excellence is built on the EVERYDAY!

Homework: look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that your body is a holy and honorable body!

Scripture References:

1 -Thessalonians 4:1-8, 11

Matthew 5:48

Phillipians 3:12

1 Corinthians 9:27