Family: The H.O.U.S.E.



Oct. 09, 2022

H.O.U.S.E. = Holy Objective Utilized to Serve Everyone

“As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord!”

Who is the foundation of your family? Are you happy in your home? 

Family is the base of our culture. 

What’s your objective with your family?

Make sure it’s a HOLY objective and utilized to serve EVERYONE! 

-Show love and affection to your spouse to set an example for your children

-Teach about conflict resolution

-Teach about sharing

-Teach about teamwork

-Teach about helping, holding and being sensitive to one another's needs

We learn all of these things from God's word and in His house. God rules our families.

Pray about everything and give God credit when your prayers are answered.

Have you built your house upon the sand or the rock?

Build your house upon the rock, God’s word and foundation. 

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Word gets around based on how we live. Don’t make a bad name for God with your actions.   

Lead and feed your children.

-Give your children consistent boundaries with clear lines. 

-Your children need to know the field, and they need to know when it’s good and bad.

-Teach them how to succeed and how to handle failure and hurt. 

-Celebrating success, encourage them during failures

What’s the objective? We’re to Glorify God! God is holy. 

We’re utilized in the family. We should be leveraged to do some great stuff. That’s where we learn about life. If I’m utilized, I understand the purpose for which I was intended. 

What’s your objective? What’s your role? What’s your purpose?

Scripture References:

Joshua 24:15, 25-27

Matthew 7:24-25