Courage To Follow Your Calling



Jul. 21, 2024

What part of history does God want you to play? What difference does God want you to make?

Don’t try to walk by your own path, follow God’s plan.

What is your calling?

God created each of us for a specific vocation.

1-God designed me for a unique calling.

2-Only I can fulfill my God given calling.

-If I am going to follow my calling, I must believe I can do it even when I’m scared.

-I must be willing to reject negative advice.

-I must believe it’s never too late.

Caleb was one of the 12 spies that Moses sent out to see what would need to be done to take the Promised Land. He came back and said we should go up and take possession of the land even though there were scary things to overcome (Anakites, fortified cities). He had a can do attitude. He knew they could overpower the people that were there because God was on their side.

Timothy traveled with Paul and followed him. We must use his life as an example to do what God wants us to do.

1-I must develop the gifts God has given me.

2-Refuse to be distracted.

3-Give God my very best.

God can use you if you have the uncommon knowledge to follow Him!

God equips those he calls for ministry. He will give you the talents and gifts that he has set out for you to use.

Scripture References:

Acts 13:36, 17:26

Romans 14:7

Hebrews 12:15

Matthew 24:14

Revelations 5

Mark 16:15

Ephesians 4:1

Numbers 13;27-28, 30, 14:2-3, 9

Joshua 14:10-12

1 Timothy 4:12, 16, 6:12, 6:20

1 Thessalonians 5:24