Built Strong: Building a Strong Spirit



Sep. 26, 2021


Do you want to be strong through the rest of 2021? Do you want to be physically, spiritually, mentally, socially and relationally strong to finish this year?

We need to be spiritually stronger, physically stronger, stronger in our finances and stronger in our relationships. 

We are here to worship the Lord, and we always need to be ready to go!

Samson was strong! He was like Rambo, but spiritually he was like Pee Wee Herman.

He has so many things going for him (talent, strong, good looks, and ability). He woke up one day, and his strength was gone.

Attitudes That Weaken Your Spirit:

1-Self-Indulgence Weakens My Spirit

To be strong in spirit, I must discipline my desires

2-Resentment Weakens My Spirit

To be strong in spirit, I must control my reactions

3-Carelessness Weakens My Spirit

To be strong spiritually, I must develop good habits

Attitudes That Strengthen My Spirit:

1-Get Time With God Everyday

Reason - To know God’s will

Routine - To get alone by yourself

Results - Answered prayers

2-Get Together With Believers Every Week!

Reason - the Bible says we need to get together 

Routine - Large group worship

Results - We support one another in Christ

3-Give A Tithe To God Every Time You're Paid

Reason - The Bible says you always put God first in your life

Routine - How do I develop the routine of giving?

Results - The promise of God

Scripture References:

Ephesians 3:16-18

Judges 13-16

I Peter 4:1-2

Job 5:2

Job 18:4

Proverbs 29:11

Ephesians 6:10

Psalm 25:4

Luke 5:16

John 15:7

Hebrews 10:25

Acts 5:4

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Malachi 3:10