Apr. 30, 2023
Jesus cares about our future self more than we care about our future self.
Finding and fulfilling our future purpose, our future self, is this: Jesus wants to invade Earth with His Kingdom.
You rise to the level of your habits; So, we want to develop Holy Habits.
What Are Holy Habits? Sow a thought reap a habit. Reap a habit, determine your destiny. We want to have thoughts that are not stealing our future but are building our present.
How Can You Cultivate the Holy Habit of Seeing Like God Sees Us?
1. Believe That Jesus Loves Sinners Like You And Me!
2. By Believing That Jesus Graciously Forgives Our Sins!
3. Believing That Jesus Redeems Us From Sin, So We Can Worship God!
Jesus is the glory of God. The glory comes to meet us. Never forget this. Jesus loves sinners like you and me.
Scripture References:
1 Corinthians 15:22
Romans 3:23
Luke 7:36-50
Romans 5:6-8
Ephesians 1:6-7
Luke 7:44-50